Junior doctors join the strike wave

Within just a few minutes of being on the junior doctors picket lines in Leeds you could tell the level of public support they had. Not only were cars tooting their horns as they passed, but a video screen van parked up next to the picket with a supportive message which no-one from the BMA knew where they were from and patients getting out of … Continue reading Junior doctors join the strike wave

Protest demands re-opening of Batley Baths

With shopkeepers coming out to watch and other bystanders filming, the Save Batley Baths demonstration on 4th March was a success in continuing the pressure on Kirklees Active Leisure (KAL) to re-open the Baths. Iain Dalton, Socialist Party Yorkshire secretary The baths has remained closed since December when KAL decided to shut it, Deighton Sports Arena and the pool at Colne Valley Leisure centre citing … Continue reading Protest demands re-opening of Batley Baths